Ioda Academy

E-Learning Production By IODA Academy

Customized E-Learning Solutions to Fit Your Learning Needs and Preferences

We offer the creation of customized e-learning modules tailored to your needs and preferences, with various learning strategies and options

We Offer E-Learning Content Creation Services

Interactive Learning Videos

This video is designed to enhance engagement and information recall, making the learning process more engaging and effective.

Articulate Storyline

Articulate Storyline is an advanced e-learning tool that enables the creation of interactive slide-based learning modules.


H5P is an interactive content creation platform that allows the development of various types of e-learning content, such as quizzes, puzzles, interactive videos, and presentations.

Microlearning Module

We provide microlearning module creation services focused on specific topics to deliver a more effective and efficient learning experience.

Gamification Module

With gamification, learning materials become not only more enjoyable but also more engaging, motivating learners to achieve their learning goals.


We offer interactive flashcard creation services that can be used to memorize terms, definitions, or key concepts across various fields.

Interactive Module

Engage your audience with hands-on, interactive modules designed to enhance learning through real-time participation

HTML5 Module
Interactive Video - H5P
Video Explainer

Simplify complex ideas with visually compelling explainer videos that capture attention in just minutes.

Talking Head Video
Motion Graphic Video
Whiteboard Video
Microlearning Module

Deliver key information in bite-sized, accessible microlearning modules for quick, on-the-go learning.

Talking Head Video
Motion Graphic Video
HTML5 Module
Interactive Video - H5P
Gamification Module

Boost engagement and motivation with gamified learning experiences that make education fun and competitive.

Scenario Module
Game Based Module

Why Ioda Academy?

Based on scientific insights from psychology and neuroscience
Interactive and engaging for the learner
Highly customizable to meet your needs
Effective and aligned with your learning objectives
Crafted by a Learning Media Expert

Our Production Team

Former Instructional Designer Binar Academy, Former Learning Content Maker Zenius Academy

Former Instructional Designer Binar Academy

Former Kurator at

Former Instructional Designer Binar Academy

Former Master Teacher Ruang Guru

Who needs these E-Learning Production services?

Educators (Teachers, Lecturers, Trainers, etc.)

Corporate or Professional

Government Agencies

University or Higher Education

Contact the IODA Team for a Consultation on Your E-Learning Module Needs

Ask now, get the answer instantly.

Panduan Lengkap Pembelian Bootcamp di Ioda Academy

  1. Pilih kelas yang kamu mau, lalu kamu bisa klik “Bayar Sekarang”
    Lihat disini
  2. Isi data diri dan metode pembayaran lalu klik “Bayar”
    Lihat disini
    *Pastikan mengisi data dengan benar karena data tersebut yang dilampirkan di sertifikat
  3. Jika kamu sudah melakukan pembayaran, maka link di Mayar akan berubah menjadi seperti ini. Kamu bisa klik bergabung ke grup Whatsapp yang ada di tampilan layar
    Lihat disini
  4. Selain itu kamu juga bisa cek di Email dengan Subject “Resi Pembayaran dan Akses Kelas”
    Lihat disini
  5. Link zoom selama Bootcamp akan dibagikan melalui Grup Whatsapp
    Lihat disini

  6. Untuk rekaman kelas dan project yang harus dikerjakan selama Bootcamp berlangsung bisa kamu akses di
  7. Terakhir, enjoy the class🚀

Panduan Lengkap Pembelian Kelas di Ioda Academy

  1. Pilih kelas yang kamu mau, lalu kamu bisa klik “Bayar Sekarang”
    Lihat disini
  2. Isi data diri dan metode pembayaran lalu klik “Bayar”
    Lihat disini
    *Pastikan mengisi email dengan benar karena email itu yang akan digunakan untuk mengakses LMS
  3. Selanjutnya kamu silahkan cek Email dengan Subject “Resi Pembayaran dan Akses Kelas”
    Lihat disini
  4. Semua video learning yang kamu beli dapat kamu akses di dengan cara memasukkan email yang sudah kamu daftarkan di form pendaftaran tadi
    Lihat disini
  5. Terakhir, enjoy the class🚀

Panduan Lengkap Pembelian Workshop Praktikal Bersertifikat di Ioda Academy

  1. Pilih kelas yang kamu mau, lalu kamu bisa klik “Bayar Sekarang”
    Lihat disini
  2. Isi data diri dan metode pembayaran lalu klik “Bayar”
    Lihat disini
    *Pastikan mengisi data dengan benar karena data tersebut yang dilampirkan di sertifikat
  3. Jika kamu sudah melakukan pembayaran, maka link di Mayar akan berubah menjadi seperti ini. Kamu bisa klik bergabung ke grup Whatsapp yang ada di tampilan layar
    Lihat disini
  4. Selain itu kamu juga bisa cek di Email dengan Subject “Resi Pembayaran dan Akses Kelas”
    Lihat disini
  5. Link zoom selama Workshop akan dibagikan melalui Grup Whatsapp
    Lihat disini

  6. Terakhir, enjoy the class🚀